Fun Family Games for the Holiday Season

Whether you are with family or adopted family the holidays are a time for silliness, fun and being together. Games are a great way to make connections with new members and remind yourself what makes your little group so special. Here are 3 of the favourite holiday games from the WhoDunnit Dinners team!

Holiday Game 1 - Names in the hat

  1. Give every player 5 small pieces of paper and a pen.
  2. Ask them to write on each piece of paper the name of someone famous - from today or the past - then to fold up their 5 names and put them into a hat.
  3. Split into 2 teams. 
  4. The first team nominate the first player. 
  5. Set a timer for 1 minute. 
  6. First round - First player draws out a name from the hat and uses 3 words to describe the person that they see on your piece of paper. Once the team has guessed move on to the next sheet of paper and so on, until your minute is up.
  7. Keep the names that have been guessed out of the hat and now pass the hat to the other team. Set the timer for 1 minute, now that team's First player uses 3 words to describe the person on their piece of paper. Once the team has guessed move on to the next sheet of paper and so on, until your minute is up.
  8. Continue until all the names have been guessed. KEEP SCORE!
  9. Second Round - Follow the same process but this time use only 1 word per person
  10. Third Round - Follow the same process but this time no words, you can only mime.
  11. Winning team is the one that has guessed the most names.

Holiday Game 2 - Mime Whispers

  1. Split into 2 groups. 1 group leaves the room. The other group decides on an activity to mime.
  2. They then call one person from the other group back into the room and tell them what the action is.
  3. That person calls 1 person from their team back into the room and mimes the action for them
  4. That person now calls the next person in and repeats that mime for them and then calls in the next person and so on until you reach the last player of the team.
  5. After the last player of the team has seen the mime performed they have to say what the action was. 
  6. You would be surprised by how often this goes completely astray and is very funny!
  7. Now swap over and repeat

Holiday game 3 - A murder mystery dinner party (of course!)

  1. Simply go to our Christmas and New Year's Eve collection.
  2. Choose the one that has the right number of players and you like the theme!
  3. Order and enjoy.

And a happy holidays from WhoDunnit Dinners to you and your family!


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